Average number of built environment feature per 300 meter buffer zone by Black, White and Latino areas of Brooklyn, New York
Food Environment [mean, (SD)] Transportation [mean,(SD)] Physical Activity [mean,[SD]) Neighborhood Infrastructure[mean,(SD)
Supermarket 1.0,( 1.1) 0.8,( 1.2) 1.2,( 1.2) Bus Stop 12.0(5.1) 8.7(4.8) 11.5(5.4) Park 4.8(5.1) 3.1(5.3) 5.2(4.8) Bank 0.5(1.1) 1.5(2.7) 0.8(1.2)
Bodega 5.1,(3.9) 2.6,(3.0) 6.1,(4.7) Subway Stop 1.1(1.7) 0.8(1.4) 1.5 (1.8) Gym 0.2(0.7) 0.5(0.9) 0.4(0.9) Medical 4.3(5.0) 7.7(7.7) 7.9(7.2)
Fast Food 1.0,( 1.5) 0.8,(1.3) 0.9,( 1.6) 4-way Stop 4.0(5.6) 3.4(4.9) 4.5(6.0) Other 2.8(3.1) 1.4(2.4) 3.4(3.2) School 4.6(3.1) 2.8(2.5) 3.8(2.6)
Restaurant 6.3,( 6.0) 5.8,( 7.6) 10.5,( 8.7) Traffic Signal 44.1(20.0) 36.6(23.3) 47.7(22.8) Church 8.7(6.8) 4.2(4.9) 7.0(5.2)
Liquor Store 0.8,(1.1) 0.7,( 1.1) 1.2,( 1.1) Retail 10.9(18.2) 15.1(19.3) 23.2(27.1)